no explanation from you,
not during the night before when you called,
not during the last period when i saw you.
maybe you did messaged, but it didn't get to me.
perhaps it's meant to be.
the fact that you bothered to defend yourself
after it all,
could possibly be the sign of
a little remorse,
a little concern,
a little worry,
and a little respect.
but the difference between
knowing the wrong thing and doing it
knowing the wrong thing and not doing it,
your possible little remorse, concern, worry and respect
are not possible to fill this GREAT gap.
we were all tired.
i was sick the day before with 24 testimonials to complete,
it didn't help to make me feel much better, sooner.
but it's friday.
it is like going to church - you want to be there, no matter what.
i want to be there to help you see progress,
but you were not there for me to help.
so think about it.
i have 10 of you.
2 informed of valid reasons to be absent.
2 were present.
6 were absent, without reasons.
i think i have failed, as an art teacher.
i have failed to induce interest and passion into everyone of you
to motivate you.
afterall, i am no god.
my temple function on such an unpopular day - friday.
i can only do so much.
so, suit yourself.
reader k | 5/21/2005 01:29:00 PM |