language is a funny thing...
idiot: (from
Pronunciation: 'i-dE-&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ydiote, from Latin idiota ignorant person, from Greek idiOtEs one in a private station, layman, ignorant person, from idios one's own, private; akin to Latin suus one's own -- more at SUICIDE
1 usually offensive : a person affected with idiocy
2 : a foolish or stupid person
hey mrs m, did you catch Extreme Japan.. if you did.. did you see the enormous red ferris wheel? Its so nice! I wanna ride the ferris wheeel!! :D
hey adorralicious,
no, i didn't catch Extreme Japan... so that explains why i didn't see the enormous nice red ferris wheel. i hope you get to go on one some day :)
when i am lazy to use my giantic dictionary that sits beside my laptop, i turned to my walking dictionary - alex.
ah but words only say so much :) yet another comment that's grown into a blog entry --> detour to