my my jiby-jiby-sing-sang-song!!!!
usually i'll be good and stay in for a school night,
but we went k-box last night and sang till we almost drop.
me, benny, daniel and salleh sang non-stop,
A and gerald have been the best audiences.
salleh and his purpose-ful malay MTVs made us laughed louder than we sang!
daniel did a whole range of female chinese and cantonese concert.
benny performed brilliantly as back-up singer,
and i sang to my hearts-content my favourite May Day.
bumped into favourite laurent who gave me a big fright and a big hug to ease the shock in me after.
late late, i drove at 120km/h to send the tired gerald home.
slept 4 hours and it's school day.
reader k | 2/01/2006 10:11:00 PM |