kiki had 4 new balls.
A hid away 3 and gave her 1.
she was happy over the walls!
this is happiness.
occasionally kiki will stroll past them.
a little kiss on Reese's lips,
a little kiss on Renee's ears.
both giggle.
this is happiness.
A sent:
"coming home"
i deleted it.
38 minutes later,
A sent:
"walking back"
i deleted.
8 minutes later,
A is at the door.
this is happiness.
A is the favourite person of
kiki, reese, renee, k.
(even though A is tone-deaf, we love him!)
this is happiness.
one silly boy sent:
"Mum thanks for helping me today :) "
this is happiness.
a promise broken by someone.
i trusted,
i helped,
i spent time talking to.
this is NOT happiness.
reader k | 6/21/2005 08:11:00 PM |