Drama Night is 3 days away.
i am on panic mode, stressed mode.
it seems like the need-to-do list is endless,
everytime I thought I have put in EVERYTHING that needed to be done, I spot another thing that is missing on the list.
the kids are tired from the rehearsal - everyday.
my teachers are tired of going through the rehearsal - everyday.
i am tired already.
i am also worried about the art paper next tuesday.
most kids didn't turn up for consultation hours we have set for last 2 weeks.
now they pop up whenever they like and assume we are always open - like 7/11
i have no time to see them.
i am worried.
i have the curriculum review to work on and department workplan to plan,
before we go on the HK trip.
speaking of which, i have no time to work on the HK trip planning and have been relying on my dearest friend.
so little time,
so much things.
mom just called,
another worry.
i hope it's not bad news for dad's test result.
"tell him it's unavoidable if it's really that. he has to face it."
that is all i could say to mom.
what a useless brat i am.
reader k | 10/21/2008 10:45:00 PM |