i was hoping for perfect attendance this term,
but i just have to fall sick for one day.
if only i can add up all the extra extra hours i've spent in school,
not only can i obtain perfect attendence,
but exceeding it.
and what nonsense am i talking about here?
what childish remarks?
think i've been hanging around too much
with the kids.
influenced by them.
speaking of the kids,
i would like to name some:
Ikhwan starts to get anxious about starting his coursework.
was glad to see that.
Bob is seriously thinking about how his towers can take shape.
doubly-glad to see that.
Guan Cheng has improved tremendously in his cutting.
so glad, so glad.
Weisong can finally start to cut his work.
Hafizah is working, steadily, but needs pushing.
she can be pushed.
Nazurah is always independent.
i hope she can start painting soon.
Rathiya, is rathiya. always so organised.
i'm just waiting to see her finished work.
Chee Kang is getting to the second layer.
he needs to be more confident.
Lay Yan is finally taking flight.
he needs to be neater in his cutting though.
from 11 down to 9,
i am fortunate,
so are they.
i hope:
2 A1
1 A2
6 B3
2 more months to go.
meanwhile, all the best for the physics test tomorrow.
reader k | 7/06/2005 03:33:00 PM |